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Brandon Eyes Blog

Learn more about eye care care in our blog!

The Difference Between Dry Eye and Allergies

Dry eye and eye allergies are the most common eye issues that do not involve wearing glasses or contact lenses. Often, people mistake dry eye for eye allergies because the two share some similar symptoms, including itchiness, soreness, and stinging sensations. 

Retinal Imaging: How It Works and Why It’s Important

The next time you go for your annual eye checkup, chances are your eye doctor will recommend retinal imaging. This is an additional eye exam that many ophthalmologists are now carrying out. This helps improve the detailed eye exam.

Eye Allergies? Say goodbye to itchy eyes with these tips!

Let’s talk about allergies! They make you sniffle and sneeze, but did you know that allergies can also affect your eyes? If your eyes are itchy, red, or watery, you may be experiencing allergic conjunctivitis. Keep reading to learn about how your allergies affect your eyes and what you can do to help!

Introducing twelve84 - New Glasses for a New Year

Brandon Eyes is delighted to announce a new line of Glasses for 2021. twelve84 is an exclusive new line of glasses that are curated to fit the style and budget needs of every patient.

Anti-fog Tips and Tricks to Fight the Fog this Winter

As winter winds blow in, glasses wearers across the country are experiencing a new issue! Fogging is a common problem for those who wear glasses during the winter months, but has become even more prevalent now that we’re all wearing masks.

What's New at Brandon Eyes

Summer is flying by, and we don't want you to miss out on what's happening here at Brandon Eyes! Now is the perfect time to stop in and meet our newest optician, check out our new frames and package pricing, and/or make an appointment to try the latest and greatest in contact lenses!

Summer's Here! Are You Protecting Your Eyes?

It's finally summer, and we've already had several bright and sunny days. We all need to soak up some much-needed vitamin D after being inside for the winter months...

Contact Lenses: Do You Know What You're Missing?

A lot of you have probably been wearing contact lenses for a long time. And maybe you've even been in the same exact brand of contact lenses for several years.

Itchy Eyes?

It's that time of year again. The pollen levels are at an all-time high. You want to have your windows open but the fresh air leaves you stuffed up, sniffling, and itching.

Are Your Glasses Trying to Do Too Much?

Maybe there are days when you find yourself rhyming with Dr. Seuss concerning those expensive new progressive or no-line bifocals.

A30master none 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 5:00pm Closed Closed (608) 833-0301 608-833-0302 6122 Mineral Point Road
Madison, WI 53705